A - Available: No, I have been married since June 29, 2002
B - Birthday: October 27, 1979
C - Crushing on: LL Cool J - yes, my hubs knows lol
D - Drink you last had: coffee w/ 2% milk & sugar (i'm out of creamer & splenda)
E - Easiest person to talk to: Staci B.
F - Favorite song: "I'd Rather" by: Luther Vandross
G - Gummy bears or Gummy worms: bears
H - Hometown: Mullica Hill, NJ
I - In love with: silly socks
K - Killed someone: does in my dreams count?
L - Longest car ride: Fort Hood, TX to Bridgeton, NJ (&back!!)
M- Milkshake flavor: chocolate
N - Number of siblings: 3
O - One wish: to cure my thyroid lol
P- Person you called last: Staci B.
R - Reason to smile: my family (meaning hubby & kids)
S - Song you sang lately: "Let it go" by: Keisha Cole
T - Time you woke up: 9:28am
U - Underwear color: green
V - Vegetable: asparagus
W - Worst habit: nail biting
X - X-rays you've had: leg, wrist, and mouth
Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Spell your name without vowels: jm
What color do you wear most?: purple/black
Least favorite colors? brown
What are you listening to?: the hum of the dish washer
Are you happy with your life right now?: yes i am
What is your favorite class in school?: math
Who is your bestfriend?: Sharon/Staci (online-rissa roo)
When do you start back at school/college?: don't
Are you outgoing?: pretty much
Favorite pair of shoes?: flip flops
Can you dance?: depends on who's watching lol
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: no
Can you whistle?: yes
Can you cross your eyes?: yes
Can you walk with your toes curled?: yes
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: possibly
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Do you believe in magic?: no
Love at first sight?: yes
Do you believe in Santa?: i believe in the spirit of santa, the meaning behind it
Do you know how to swim?: yes
Do you like roller coasters?: Oh yeah!
Have you ever been on a plane?: yes
Have you ever asked someone out?: yes
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yes
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Atlantic
What is the temperature outside?: 54*
What radio station do you listen to?: i listen to kidd kradick and rick smiley
What was the last thing you bought?: a diet coke
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: new moon
Who was the last person you took a picture with?: pookie, my daughter
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: darrell
Ever really cried your heart out?: of course
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: no
Do certain songs make you cry?: yes
Are you a happy person?: usually
What is your current hair color?: brownish with blonde highlights
What shirt are you wearing?: black tshirt
What shorts?: none
What shoes?: none
Necklaces: none
Bracelets: none
Favorite eye color: brown, my hubs
Short or long hair: i miss my long hair
Height: 5'6
Been to jail: not b/c i was the person locked up lol
Mooned someone: yes
Laughed so hard you cried: Yes.
Cried in school: yes
Wanted to be a model: nope
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: too many things!
Gone skinny dipping: yes
Pepsi or Coke: diet coke
Single or Group Dates: single
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.
Meat or Veggies: both
TV or Movie: Movie
Guitar or Drums: drums
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese!! Yummm!
Cheerios or Corn Flake:Cheerios
Well, that was kinda dumb, but I did it anyway...lol...some more about me:
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