The Krazy Coupon Lady
This woman's site is so full of information it's overwhelming! LOL I'm willing to be a bit overwhelmed for the time being if it means in the long run I will get to save some money.
After browsing the internet via Google (I love Google!!), I found these sites that seem pretty popular for getting coupons:
MamboSprouts (organic coupons)
I found out that there are stores who will double the value of your coupons! Here is a list of them... just like on the state you're in:
Stores that Double your Coupons.
There is so much to learn with this and as I do, I will share it, but this is a start, right? LoL
If you have any tips, please leave a comment on this blog post so others who read it can see your tips as well. Thanks a bunch =)
Two sites that I love are:
Common sense with money has the direct links to four major printable coupon sites. (upper right corner)
Thanks for the list of locations that do double coupons. Love it!
thanks for sharing =)