*While at the ACS building today I picked up some pamphlets and such to share with everyone. (for those of you who are new and not up on the acronyms, ACS = Army Community Service... you can brush up on acronyms here -->
Army Acronyms)
From the "Suicide Prevention Training Tip Card" -
Risk factors for adults (including soldiers) and children:
*previous suicide attempts
*close family member who has committed suicide
*past psychiatric hospitalization
*recent losses (death of family member, divorce/separation, break up with gf/bf)
*poor social skills (difficulty interacting with others, problems starting a conversation and making friends)
*drug or alcohol use (drugs decrease impulse control making impulsive suicide more likely, some try to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol)
*violence in the home or social environment
*handguns in the home
*work-related problems
*serious medical problems
*poor school performance
Warning signs that an adult/soldier needs help:
*noticeable changes in eating and sleeping habits
*talking or hinting about suicide
*obsession with death (in music, poetry, artwork, etc)
*alcohol and or drug use or abuse
*giving away possessions/suddenly making a will
*feeling sad, depressed, hopeless
*finalizing personal affairs
*coworkers, family & friends are concerned
Warning signs that a child/adolescent needs help:
*noticeable change in eating and sleeping habits
*unexplained, or unusually severe, violent or rebellious behavior
*running away
*unusual neglect in appearance
*drastic mood swings
*hostile towards other children
*withdraws from peers
*gives away possessions
*feeling sad or depressed
*obsession with death (music, poetry, art, etc)
*physical complaints that are not real
*talks about death
*your child's teacher or other trusted adult tells you that your child is acting different and may need help
Your Resources:
Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (CHPPM)
Community Mental Health Clinic (CMHC)
Family Readiness Groups (FRG) -for more on FRG, read here -->
What is the FRG?
Military OneSource - 1-800-342-9647
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-TALK
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
School Counselors
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
Some books you may find Helpful:
*please take note if you can't see the links to the books, you have view my blog to see it (if this is coming through the news feed)
My blog link --->
Soldier's Angel