Monday, January 7, 2013

Holidays 2012 - Christmas & New Years!

The holidays are always soooo exhausting! I feel like the older I get, the longer that drive to New Jersey feels.

We got left around 3am and a 12hr drive took us about 15 to 16hrs b/c of the traffic. It was nuts! We saw an accident that was pretty bad on 95N. The top of the car had to be cut off in order to get the people out. Horrible. Other than that, the ride was alright. Alexis didn't get sick and the kids didn't kill each other.. my husband was entertaining, as always. I love driving with him lol On our way home, it took us 12hrs b/c the traffic was non-existent.

All in all, we had a great visit with family and friends! The kids made cookies with Nana and Uncle Griffin and had so much fun doing it! DeeJay and Richie were in charge of cookie cutters, removing the cookies from the oven and taking the cookies off the cookie sheets. Alexis was in charge of sprinkles lol

Christmas morning was fun! My Mother-in-law chose to do something different with us this year. She gave us each a card with a name on it. We had to go to the tree and get that person's presents and give them to them. Alexis got me and was so excited to give me all my gifts... my baby! Here is one of my fave gifts I got - 

 Next up was New Years Eve! This was our 3rd year in a row celebrating with my in-laws at this "country club" they go to. Darrell wore his Dress Blues and looked as sharp as ever... you would think some of those women lost their drunk minds... One was 2mins away from a bitch slap lol .. it was a fun night though.. we ate, we drank, danced (well, he danced and I tried to dodge dancing lol) and kissed when the clock struck midnight. The photobooth was fun too!

I got to see both my Grandmoms, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Carl and my cousin Josh... I also got to spend some time with one of my oldest and bestest friends, Dawn. Love that gal! So even though going back to visit is exhausting, it's totally worth it!

Hope everyone else had a fun and safe Christmas & New Years!

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