Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Next Journey..

The next small "journey" I'll be embarking on is getting healthier!! This means losing weight, toning up, eating the right things (with indulgences here and there)and getting more active!

I'm also going to get healthy "mentally"... flush out the negativity in my life around me and IN me... you know that sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.

So, I'll be a lot of research on all kinds of things related to this and I will share it with my readers... I will blog about this journey too, just like I have been doing with my Breast Reduction.

I won't be able to start exercising yet until my doctor gives me the "okay"...it's only been 2 1/2 weeks since my surgery.

I hope that by blogging about this and sharing what I find, my feelings and my results (or setbacks) will help hold me accountable to myself AND help encourage others who want to make healthy changes in their life as well... until next post =)

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