Sunday, May 8, 2011

On this Mother's Day....

It's been three years now since my mother passed away from cancer... I miss her so much and I can't believe it's been that long already.

Now I'm a mother myself and I wonder sometimes if I'm doing a good job... I know I am, but still, you have those moments where your kids do certain things and you are just dumbfounded! Have I raised you to act like that?! LOL I think all of us mothers have those moments...

While I miss my mother and I'm grateful for my kids, something else really stands out for me on Mother's Day.... it's kinda funny too...not in the "haha" way, but in a weird way... I find myself thinking about the Twins more on Mother's Day than any other day, not even their birthday... Not thinking of them like I regret our decision... thinking of them and their parents... knowing that when Mother's Day rolls around each year, there is a woman out there, who had no chance at experiencing the joys of motherhood, until I found her.... knowing that the Twins have a mother they can show appreciation to who truly is giving them everything they need, in every aspect of their lives.... something I could not have provided....

I won't turn this into some sappy thing... just wanted to put my thoughts down =)

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